Marriage Preparation classes are offered four times a year in the Augusta Deanery. Below are some useful links for engaged/married couples.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Topics
Family of Origin:
Money & Marriage:
Combining Finances As a Newly Married Couple by Kate Anania
Exploring 6 Communications Styles by Shani Goodson
Marriage as a Sacrament:
Why Marriage Is NOT a Contract (It's a Covenant) - Fr. Mike Schimtz
Faith and interfaith in marriage - Fr. Charles Cimpl
Theology of the Body:
Why God Gave Us Bodies - Fr. Mike Schimtz
What is Theology of the Body? Why God Gave Us Bodies - Christopher West
Marriage is a Dance: Christopher West on Marital Love and the Theology of the Body
Link to purchase Theology of the Body Marriage Preparation Book
Natural Family Planning:
United States Confrerence of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) - Find an NFP Class
Straight Talk About NFP Effectiveness