As a stewardship parish, we answer the call to discipleship by making a commitment of time, talent and treasure. Our offertory collection funds the needs of the parish and service ministries, including St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School. To reach these goals, we ask that you strive to commit 8% of your family income to your stewardship of treasure in thanksgiving for all the gifts that you have received. Working together, we provide an enriched parish life and programs to care for those in need. Our commitment is to each other and to Christ. He is never outdone in generosity.
An active parishioner meets the following criteria:
1. is a registered member of the parish for at least one year,
2. attends Sunday and Holy day Masses regularly,
3. has a Stewardship commitment card on file at the church each year pledging their time, talent, and treasure (8% of their family income), and honors those commitments,
4. uses church envelopes weekly indicating regular Mass attendance.
Newcomers are asked to register with the church office.
If you become a member of another parish, or your name, address or phone number changes, please inform the church office.