Prayer Shawl Ministry


Prayer shawl ministry is a gathering of parishioners who have a passion to serve others through prayer and  the knitting and/or crocheting of a shawl.  This is a new ministry that began when one of our parishioners was given the comfort of being lifted in prayer through a blessed shawl when her son was in the hospital and in turn wanted to give that same comfort to others.

This ministry has varying opportunities to get involved.  First and foremost, we need parishioners who know how to crochet or knit or are interested in learning.  Another way to participate is through donating yarn, needles, hooks and packaging/gifting materials.  If you are homebound you can also participate by donating finished shawls to the parish office.

We meet once a month in the Senior Center.  When we meet sometimes we will have a specific person in mind but other times the shawls will be created with prayers of strength, healing, comfort, peace, etc.  to be picked up by parishioners and given to those in need.

Request information for Prayer Shawl Ministry